Swiftwater Rescue III - Technician course is designed for first responders and members of public safety agencies who are tasked to respond to emergent situations where “red zone” operations are likely or expected. This program will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to competently effect rescue in moving water, using appropriate risk assessment and management practices. The Swiftwater Rescue III – Technician program is also suitable for individuals who work or guide professionally in the river environment. This program meets and/or exceeds NFPA 1670 Standards for Technical Rescue
Students will study and put into practice the following swiftwater core competencies:
· Defining technical swiftwater and flood rescue.
· Relating NFPA 1006 and 1670 to the swiftwater environment
· Scene assessment and the emergency response process
· River anatomy and hydrology
· Personal protective equipment
· Communication in the swiftwater environment
· Technical swiftwater rescue equipment (ropes, knots, technical hardware)
· Rope and mechanical advantage systems
· Hazard assessment and self-rescue
· Swimming in moving water (defensive & aggressive swimming; ferrying)
· Throwbag techniques. Use of static and dynamic belay
· Swiftwater wading techniques (solo + team subject rescue)
· Entrapment self-rescue
· Subject rescue (contact – tethered/live bait rescue)
· C-spine precautions and patient transport
· Agency specifice, scenario exercises
· Swiftwater Rescue III - Technician
· Valid for three (3) years
· Participants must be in good health and able to swim